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Version History


The Version History feature is part of the Multiplayer version control suite of features, which is essential for any team looking to ensure that architectural changes are managed efficiently, transparently, and collaboratively.

Version History

Version History.png

View the Version History

  • Open your platform
  • Click the 🕐 clock icon in the top right corner
  • View edits to your platform in chronological order (newset to oldest) and who made each change

Rename a Platform Version

  • Open your platform
  • Click the 🕐 clock icon in the top right corner
  • Click on the ellipsis button “…”
  • Select “Name this version”
  • Type a new version name

Restore a Platform Version

  • Open your platform
  • Click the 🕐 clock icon in the top right corner
  • Click on the ellipsis button “…”
  • Select “Restore to this version”
  • In the prompt click “Restore” to confirm that you want to proceed

Next Steps

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