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System Architecture Visualizations


With the Multiplayer System Architecture Visualizations you will know how all the pieces in your system fit together. From the high level system design to the individual components, with their metadata, integrations, and dependencies.

To visualize your system architecture you need to create a platform: a platform is a collection of components — i.e. software that uses or provides an API such as web-apps, microservices, SaaS providers, etc.


Create a Platform​

  • Open your project
  • In the left-side menu, open “Platforms”
  • Click “Create a platform”

You have two options on how to proceed:

Use AI Assist: Our AI Assist feature will process image files (.png or .jpg) of your existing diagrams or freehand sketches, extrapolating and listing all of your system components. You can then edit them and select those that will be added to your platform.

  • Upload as many image files as you wish, to get a full list of your components. This process may take a few minutes to complete.
  • Type in a platform name.
  • Review the detected components. You can rename them, change their type or add tags.
  • Click “Create a platform”.

Continue with the manual process: You can manually list all the components you want to add to your platform.

  • Type in a platform name.
  • Type the component name on “Enter to create a component”.
  • Click “+”.
  • You can now change the component type or add tags.
  • Once you have a full list, click “Create a platform”.

You will also be able to add, edit, and delete platform components at any point after its creation.

Rename a Platform​

  • Hover over the platform name
  • Click on the ellipsis button “…”
  • Select “Rename”
  • Type a new platform name

Rename Platform.png

Delete a Platform​

  • Hover over the platform name
  • Click on the ellipsis button “…”
  • Select “Delete”
  • Confirm your action in the prompt - please note that you can’t undo or recover deleted platforms.

Next Steps​

You did it! What’s next?